Today we celebrated the Fourth of July. We celebrated in the usual fashion- stop by the fireworks store and go WAY over budget buying fun explosive things, go to my Mom and Dad's and grill out, make homemade ice cream (my favorite part!!!) and set off some fireworks. Then, bellies full and kids thrilled with the results of the explosions, we head home. We talked about our country and how hard folks have fought both here and abroad to make it strong and free, we asked for a special blessing for those in our military and then we went on our merry way, to not think about it as often as we should. While I was getting ready to go today my husband, in his usual fashion, was channel surfing. I noticed he was watching "Glory" which is a really great movie about a black regiment serving in the Civil War and some piece of idiocy called "Kendra on Top," about a former Playboy Playmate and her husband. I was ready to ask him what on earth he was watching some stupid reality show about some stupid people I couldn't care less about when it hit me: that's what makes this country great! That there is some stupid marathon of some ridiculous reality show on on the 4th of July is a perfect example of why America is great! No one is going to tell the station they can't broadcast such crap, and no one is going to tell you that you can't watch that crap all day if you want to. (Well except maybe your wife!) I hate reality shows. I find them to be pointless, mindless and a complete waste of time. Frankly, who cares what these morons are doing with their time?! But there are those who don't agree with me and who become addicted to this show or that. They can have at it! More power to them! (As long as they don't expect me to watch!) But, that's just what is so great about America- if people want to be idiots, they are free to do so! So, march on you morons! You keep watching your Kendra on Top and your Jersey Shores and those Kardashians! I personally will be watching cooking shows and history specials. Ain't diversity grand?!
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